So Pam and I, along with Dave Marks, went out to see how they were doing on the trees. We came around the corner onto the bluff to see trucks and tractors everywhere! It was AWESOME! The Logging Company was there to finish up taking the trees that they had taken down. It was cool to see them loading them on a big ole' truck. He left me a big piece of a hickory tree to make my fireplace mantel. It's gorgeous!
I had an email from the guy I'm getting my logs from on Friday. It had an electronic copy of my blueprints attached. I was so crazy busy getting ready for our Good Friday service and Easter weekend services that when I opened them I said "they're wrong" and promply closed the email. It didn't even faze me... (that's a sure sign that my brain is overloaded!) I connected with Dominic later that afternoon, and he explained how they had gotten confused - and he had already spoke to them to get them corrected. Whew! It was still cool to get the chance to see the front and back elevations of the house, even though they aren't totally right. Hopefully, I'll get a fresh set of prints this week!